Author’s Guideline:
The articles should target an interdisciplinary audience and address the challenges, paths and possibilities for Brazil-Germany academic cooperation.
Authors must follow the rules of academic writing at the same time that they make sure their contribution
is understandable and motivating to colleagues from different disciplines. Contributions from all areas of knowledge are accepted.
Authors interested in participating should send a 300 word abstract by

Chamada de trabalhos
I Encontro Virtual Latino-Americano de Associações de Ex-Bolsistas do DAAD
“O futuro da cooperação internacional com a Alemanha pós-pandemia"
O contexto atual de pandemia faz com que pessoas e instituições fiquem cada vez mais conectados através do uso das tecnologias digitais voltadas para a comunicação. Aproveitando esse momento de grande conexão virtual, a Rede Brasil-Alemanha para Internacionalização do Ensino Superior (Rebralint) e a Associação de Ex-bolsistas DAAD-Alumni Mendoza convidam a todos para participar do I Encontro Virtual Latino-Americano de Associações de Ex-Bolsistas do DAAD e apresentarem trabalhos sobre os objetivos do evento:
- Refletir sobre os desafios da ciência em tempos de pandemia
- Discutir o presente e o futuro da cooperação acadêmica com a Alemanha
- Apresentar o trabalho associativo de certas regiões da América Latina
Participações já confirmadas: DAAD Brasil, BAYLAT (Centro Universitário da Baviera para América Latina), Rebralint e DAAD Alumni-Mendoza.
Prazo para envio de propostas de trabalho: 09.11.2020
Endereço de envio: ivcaa2020(at)
Notificação de trabalhos aceitos: 16.11.2020
Data do evento: 27.11.2020
Horário: 10.00 (Rio de Janeiro)/ 10.00 (Mendoza)/ 14.00 (Berlin)
Plataforma: DAAD virtual – Zoom
Formato das apresentações
Duração máxima: 15 minutos
Idiomas admitidos: espanhol ou português - Idioma ppt: inglês ou alemão
Call for Papers
I. Virtuelles Treffen von DAAD-Alumni-Vereinen aus Lateinamerika
“Die Zukunft der internationalen Kooperation
mit Deutschland nach der Pandemie"
In der aktuellen Pandemie-Situation werden Menschen und Institutionen durch den Einsatz digitaler Kommunikationstechnologien immer mehr miteinander verbunden. Das Deutsch-Brasilianische Netzwerk für die Internationalisierung der Hochschulen (Rebralint) und der DAAD-Alumni-Verein Mendoza laden Sie ein, am I. virtuellen Treffen der DAAD-Alumni-Vereine aus Lateinamerika am 27.11.2020 teilzunehmen und Vorträge über die folgenden Themen der Veranstaltung zu halten:
- Die Herausforderungen der Wissenschaft in Zeiten einer Pandemie
- Die Gegenwart und die Zukunft der akademischen Zusammenarbeit mit Deutschland
- Die Verbandsarbeit bestimmter Regionen Lateinamerikas
Folgende Institutionen haben ihre Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung bereits bestätigt: DAAD Brasil, BAYLAT, Rebralint und DAAD Alumni-Mendoza.
Einreichung der Abstracts bis zum 09.11.2020
E-Mail-Adresse der Veranstaltung: ivcaa2020(at)
Bestätigung der Annahme der Vorschläge bis zum 16.11.2020
Datum der Veranstaltung: 27.11.2020
Uhrzeit: 10.00 (Rio de Janeiro)/ 10.00 (Mendoza)/ 14.00 (Berlin)
Platform: DAAD virtual – Zoom
Format des Vortrags
Dauer: 15 Minuten
Sprache des Vortrags: Spanisch oder Portugiesisch
Sprache der Power-Point-Präsentation: Englisch oder Deutsch
Convocatoria de presentaciones
1er Encuentro virtual latinoamericano de asociaciones de ex-becarios del DAAD
“El futuro de la cooperación internacional con Alemania post-pandemia”
El contexto actual de la pandemia originada por el COVID 19 hace que las personas y las instituciones estén cada vez más conectadas mediante el uso de las tecnologías digitales centradas en la comunicación. Aprovechando este momento de conexión virtual, la Asociación “Brasil-Alemania para internacionalización de la educación superior" (Rebralint) y el “DAAD Alumni Mendoza” invitan a ustedes a participar en el 1er Encuentro Virtual Latinoamericano de Asociaciones de ex-becarios del DAAD y a presentar ponencias sobre los objetivos del evento:
- Reflexionar sobre los desafíos de la ciencia en tiempos de pandemia
- Debatir sobre el presente y el futuro de la cooperación académica con Alemania
- Presentar la labor asociativa en ciertas regiones de América Latina
Participaciones confirmadas: DAAD Brasil: BAYLAT (Centro Universitário da Baviera para América Latina); Rebralint; DAAD Alumni-Mendoza.
Plazo de recepción de presentaciones: 09.11.2020
Dirección de envío: ivcaa2020(at)
Notificación de presentaciones elegidas: 16.11.2020
Fecha del evento: 27.11.2020
Horario: 10.00 (Rio de Janeiro)/ 10.00 (Mendoza)/ 14.00 (Berlín)
Plataforma: DAAD virtual – Zoom
Formato de las exposiciones
Duración máxima: 15 minutos
Idiomas admitidos: español – portugués - Idioma ppt: inglés – alemán
Call for papers
Book title:
Brazil-Germany International collaboration on Science: Interdisciplinary Approaches
Gabriela Marques-Schäfer (President) and Wagner Xavier de Camargo (Ambassador)
We would like to invite university researchers to submit articles on the experience of academic and scientific projects involving Brazil and Germany. The articles can be in Portuguese, German and/or English and will be the content of a book.
The writings must contain the following items:
- Present academic cooperation projects developed by university researchers from different fields of study;
- Raise interest in creating and proposing international scientific projects;
- Outline current Brazil-Germany scientific cooperation and its main challenges;
- Discuss the possibilities and ways for internationalization of academic projects.
October, 10th 2020.
The manuscripts will be selected based on their topic and relevance. Confirmation of acceptance will be sent by November, 10th 2020, and the complete manuscripts should be submitted no later than February, 2nd 2021. Publication is scheduled for June 2021.
The manuscripts should obey the following format:
- Length: 5.500 words, references included
- Size: A4 Sheet
- Margins: 3 cm on each side
- Spacing: 1,5 cm
- Font: Arial 11
For quotations that are more than three lines, place them in a free-standing block of text and omit quotation marks. Use single spacing, Arial 10, and 4,5 cm indentation – e.g. VOLLMAYER (2018).Footnotes, if necessary, must be in Arial 9, and be as succinct as possible.
We look forward to your contribution.
If there are any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
Contributions must be sent to:
Calendário de eventos
Januar 2025 | |||||||
KW | Mo | Di | Mi | Do | Fr | Sa | So |
01 |
02 |
03 |
04 |
05 |
Informações de contato
E-Mail: rebralint(at)